Tuesday 3 February 2015

About Modest Sound GUY

Hi all, I am Modest Sound GUY.  My blog will focus on, and emphasize a modest approach to audio equipment.  The term “audiophile” has become a term to categorize people who spend an insurmountable amount of money on equipment for a modest or even inaudible enhancement.  This blog is geared towards the majority of people who want the best “bang for your buck.”  The point of diminishing return hits hard and fast upon the market headphones and other audio gear.  Well, “you get what you pay for” right?  Well it’s not that simple.  Sometimes, yes you get what you pay for sometimes you get more than you paid for and sometimes, you get a whole lot less, and hopefully I will be able to steer you around some curves.  You will not see the idolizing of snake oil of any kind on this blog; instead a modest approach that will help you achieve musical nirvana without having to go on a Ramen noodles diet for weeks to financially recover.  In addition, I will make reference to or list music that I recommend or have recently been giving considerable ear time to.  I will keep my reviews of audio equipment to stuff I have had ample time with to provide an accurate representation of my experience with a given product.

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