Saturday 21 March 2015

Ear Time: Public Enemy (East coast hip-hop, political hip-hop)

Public Enemy

On to hip-hop!  East coast hip-hop to be exact and Public Enemy to be even more explicit.  Flava Flav and Chuck D, the MC’s of the political and conscious and hardcore hip-hop group from New York.  Personally, I prefer east coast hip-hop during this era of hip-hop compared to the gangster rap of the west coast coming from N.W.A..  I believe Public Enemy to be one of the best hip-hop groups based on their profound impact on the lineage of hip-hop music in addition to the thought provoking lyricism.  Public Enemy doesn’t just push the boundaries of the genre lyrically and compositionally, but also politically and emotionally, by vividly conveying in impoverished landscapes of the Bronx and Harlem New York.  For anyone interested in provocative, and historically essential hip-hop music give Public Enemy some ear time.

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